Jonathan Doughty
Jonathan has over 45 years in the food service industry. He has held positions with renowned companies, including Imperial Inns, Whitbread, and Marriott, before founding Coverpoint in 1883. Under his leadership, Cover point became the industry leader in food service consulting, advising over 250 global landlords and developers across 50 countries and was sold to JLL in 2014. His innovative approaches revolutionised the integration of Foodservice within retail and shopping environments. Jonathan latterly joined ECE as Global Head of Foodser vice, where he has led a team in elevating food and drink offerings in shopping centres and leisure spaces.
Jonathan trained as a chef and later in professional management, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Foodservice Management.
"From earning my first wages sorting glass bottles and cleaning and tidying up after the guests I fell in love with hospitality or "Horeca" delivering this gift, continues to be my passion."
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